Deploy A Toy PHP Application On AppFog

🦖 This post was published in 2013 and is most likely outdated.

A tutorial to get you started with AppFog in PHP. And because “Hello World” is boring, I’ll do a “Drink Coffee” app!

Command line tool

After creating an account on AppFog, install AppFog’s command line tool by following their instructions. Depending on your system, it can be either very easy or quite a pain. Good luck!

PHP app

Once you have af installed, log in by

$ af login
Attempting login to []
Password: *********
Successfully logged into []

Create your PHP app:

$ mkdir drink-coffee
$ cd drink-coffee
$ echo '<?php echo "Drink coffee!"; ?>' > index.php


Then deploy! (Default values are all good)

$ af push drink-coffee
Would you like to deploy from the current directory? [Yn]:
Detected a PHP Application, is this correct? [Yn]:
1: AWS US East - Virginia
2: AWS EU West - Ireland
3: AWS Asia SE - Singapore
4: Rackspace AZ 1 - Dallas
5: HP AZ 2 - Las Vegas
Select Infrastructure: 1
Application Deployed URL []:
Memory reservation (128M, 256M, 512M, 1G, 2G) [128M]:
How many instances? [1]:
Create services to bind to 'drink-coffee'? [yN]:
Would you like to save this configuration? [yN]:
Creating Application: OK
Uploading Application:
  Checking for available resources: OK
  Packing application: OK
  Uploading (0K): OK
Push Status: OK
Staging Application 'drink-coffee': OK
Starting Application 'drink-coffee': OK

You can go on the url given and see your app up and running.

If you go on the AppFog console at, you will see your app and status:


Updating your application is easy as well.

$ echo '<?php echo "Go drink coffee!"; ?>' > index.php
$ af update drink-coffee
Uploading Application:
  Checking for available resources: OK
  Packing application: OK
  Uploading (0K): OK
Push Status: OK
Stopping Application 'drink-coffee': OK
Staging Application 'drink-coffee': OK
Starting Application 'drink-coffee': OK
